CSC5930 Computer Vision
Instructor: Jason M. Grant, PhD
email: jason.grant (AT) villanova (DOT) edu
Office Hours/Available Hours
Monday 5:00pm – 6:00pm (Mendel 292A)
Tuesday 1pm – 2pm (via Zoom)
Wednesday 11am – noon (Mendel 292A)
No appointments are necessary for office hours; however, signing up ahead of time helps me and other students plan accordingly. You may do so here. Please contact me by email to request a meeting time outside of my regularly scheduled hours, if needed.
Final Exam: Friday, December 16, 2022, 8:30 – 11AM. Final exams may not be taken early or remotely.
- 8/25 Reading and Displaying Images, NumPy Arrays
- 9/1 Image Transformations and Kernels
- 9/8 Convolutions, Canny Edge Detection
- 9/15 Image Morphology, Connected Components
- 9/22 Hough Transformations
- 9/29 Harris/Shi-Thomasi Corner Detection
- 10/6 Mid-term Exam and Literature Review/Discussion
- 10/13 Fall Break – No class
- 10/20 OpenCV High-Level GUI
- 10/27 Harris/Shi-Thomasi Corner Detection, Optical Flow, Tracking