CSC1300 Discrete Structures
Instructor: Jason M. Grant, PhD
email: jason.grant (AT) villanova (DOT) edu
Tuesday, 11:00am – 12:30pm (Mendel 292A)
Wednesday, 1:30pm – 2:30pm (via Zoom)
No appointments are necessary for office hours; however, signing up ahead of time helps me and other students plan accordingly. You may do so here (new link coming soon). Please contact me by email to request a meeting time outside of my regularly scheduled hours, if needed.
Final Exam: Tuesday, May 9 11:30AM – 2PM. Location TBD.
Schedule of Topics
- Mathematical Statements and Logic
- Sets
- Relations and Functions
- Additive and Multiplicative Principals
- Permutations and Combinations
- Counting and Binomial Coefficients
- Counting with Repetitions
- Introduction to Sequences
- Arithmetic and Geometric Sequences
- Proofs
- Graphs
- Trees
- Planar Graphs
- Graph Coloring
- Paths and Cycles in Graphs